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Aloe vera juice

A millennia of healing

The Aloe vera plant, also known as Aloe barbadensis miller, has a long history reaching back to biblical times. It belongs to the liliaceae family of plants.

This species of plant is native to the Mediterranean region and the name Aloe Vera comes from the Arabic word “Alloeh” meaning “shining bitter substance” and “vera” means “true” in Latin.

For millennia the Aloe Vera plant has been used for medicinal purposes in cultures like Egypt, Japan, Greece, China, India, Mexico and southern parts of North America.

Aloe vera juice to the rescue

Besides being filled with minerals, enzymes and vitamins, as well as being used for various purposes in dermatology, it is also used for inflammatory bowel disease, increased stomach acidity and treatment for acid reflux conditions, especially in the form of Aloe Vera Juice.

Reducing the symptoms of Gerd or Acid Reflux

Contained within Aloe vera are properties that have been proven to be very anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

These same properties may contribute to it’s benefits of reducing the symptoms of acid reflux or Gerd.

An antiacid supplement called Faringel, study shows, reduces heartburn in patients with erosive and non-erosive esophagitis.

How to prepare

It is sometimes advised to take 2oz twice a day or 4oz daily as needed.

But, the preparation of taking Aloe vera juice for certain ailments differs according to the individual and the condition in question.

It is best that you obtain or purchase organic Aloe vera juice that is free of aloe latex or aloin ( Aloin is a natural chemical found in the skin of the Aloe Vera plant that has laxative effects when orally consumed by humans ).


Even though Aloe vera juice is thought to be generally safe without any major side effects, please always follow the directions on the bottle. If any doubts or if you have any further questions, please consult your doctor. Especially if you are on prescribed medication(s).


For high quality Aloe vera juice please go here:



This article is for informational and entertainment purposes only. ALWAYS consult a physician before consuming herbal remedies. The publishers of this content are not responsible for your use or misuse of the identified products.





